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Anchor 1
one of a kind ceremonial art
inspired by my FLUFF the Goodness anthem
heart powered
smile stimulation
Cosmically designed
to FLUFF your soul shine

Galactic FLUFF Wands
2 piece set:
Crystal FLUFF Wand
& Sacred Spiral Stand
Amplify your Galactic glow
with majestic FLUFFing flow
In motion or standing upright these Galactic Crystal
FLUFF Wand sets
activate Love Light
Wand: Peacock + Ostrich Feathers Copper wrapped a top a smooth Selenite Crystal Handle
adorned with Copper wrapped Lumerian Quartz Crystal in the feathers
Stand: Swirling Copper and Lumerian Quartz Crystal with Cedar Wood or Copper Base
FLUFF the Goodness : FtG
* SMG's AURA FLUFFing Anthem *
the song that grew into a healing modality
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