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Psychedelic Devotional Disco

all songs by Shamanatrix Missy Galore      ©Shamanatrixx

dedicated to peace, love, joy + justice 4 all!


Photon Gayatri


The light of the sun is the light within me

its the light of the stars ~ infinity


Photons are glowing in my DNA

Life is built of light and we love this way


Aum Bhuh Bhuvah Svah

Tat Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi

Dhiyo Yo nah Prachodayat

Life Is


Life is what You make it


Be focused * Stay open

Don’t fake it

Fake it till You make it

It is what You make it


Life is


It ain't that simple

and it ain't that hard

Don't be discouraged

We made it this far


Be kind with the stories we tell ourselves

Cause stress will just mess with our physical health 

+ provide us with our essential wealth

= happiness and joy



Shine your light * Live your love  * .Every breath is a cosmic hug

The time is now * We know how = Living Love.o.lution


With an open heart and open mind

Open channel pure divine  Love * Light flowing all the time

Living Love.o.lution


Living Love.o.lution * .Living, Living in Love . * . Living Love.o.lution

Be the solution  =  Love.o.lution


We r the 1's we’ve been waiting for & we do not have to wait any more

The time is now * We know how  =  Living Love.o.lution


Living Love.o.lution * .Living, Living in Love . * . Living Love.o.lution

Be the solution  =  Love.o.lution


Thread the eye of a needle with a stitch in time

to activate the spark of divine

that glows in every one of us so unique

Let’s make this moment a time of World Peace


Calling microbes, galaxies, the land + sea, plants, animals, humanity, 

bacteria, protons, leptons, quarks

plank spherical units.. 

U know who you are!


We’re all part of a living organism ~ time to recognize an join the Love mission

Balance and harmonize our ecosystems 

Co*creating sustainable living


Living Love.o.lution * .Living, Living in Love . * . Living Love.o.lution

Be the solution  =  Love.o.lution

Fluff the Goodness


Fluff the Goodness  *  Fluff it up


Fluffing the goodness takes constant attention

Goodness itself has no form or dimension

Its always moving around in time

The more you fluff it the better the vibe


Fluff the Goodness  *  Fluff it up


When things are going wrong, 

Remember this song + be strong   *please

When things are going right, 

Remember: share you light


This is a crystal download right here

Fluffing Aura’s crystal clear


Fluff the Goodness  *  Fluff it up

The more you fluff it the better the vibe


Come people Fluff it up!

Fluff up your good good stuff

Fluff your stuff til its buff

Share your Fluff

Light it up now

Fluff it up!


Fluff the Goodness



Loveon * Love Free

Love U * Love Me


Loveon eternal information

Bliss conscious communication

Fluffing up the vibration

Uniting all creation


Loveon * Love Free

Love U * Love Me


Mystic garden how fertile you are

Happy oasis seedling of stars

Humbly I receive your light

in gratitude I beam it back bright


Nassim Haramein how wise and true.

Thank you for sharing all you do

Humbly I receive your light

in gratitude I beam it back bright


Loveon * Love Free

Love U * Love Me

Fractals of Grace * Aum namah Åšivaya


I honor the divinity in me

I honor the divinity in all that be

We are all part of one cosmic unity


Aum namah Åšivaya


Beyond separation of time and space

We are infinite fractals of divine grace

Eternal perfection in a unique face


Om namah Shivaya



We r love * We r light *

We r water in 3D life


Thank you Mama Earth, for birthing us

in gratitude we are your stardust

 mixed with water into human form

so our love can be reborn


May the love we share

radiate everywhere 

from the singularity to infinity


Love You! Luv U! Family!!!

Gratitude + bless it be

All Creation = 1 LOVE

All Creation = 1 LOVE


May the love we share

radiate everywhere 

from the singularity

to infinity

Fluff the Goodness

official music video

thank you friends for sharing this creativity with me!!

we are Love*o*lution!


if you feel it in your heart

to support my art

your donations

are sweetly appreciated ;+)

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